Adrianus Saga Ekakristi
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
I am currently a Master's student in Computer Science at Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. My primary research interest is in natural language processing (NLP), while my career experience is in big data processing.

At work, my team and me are developing, maintaining, and innovating both stream and ETL data processing platform. I work with scalable and distributed technology stacks, such as Hadoop, Kafka, Kubernetes, Cassandra, GCP Dataproc, BigQuery, and many more.

Natural language processing is my research interest. In this exciting field, my research experience is about question processing for question answering system. In the future, I am interested in exploring machine reading comprehension and question answering pipeline.
Telkom Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
December 2021 - December 2022
Data Engineer
Responsible for developing end-to-end data platform with lambda architecture that consists of data ingestion and change data capture (CDC), stream and batch data pipelines, scheduling platform, and query engine. We use several cloud technology such as GCP Pub/Sub, Dataflow, GCS, GKE, and BigQuery. I am also responsible for improving data acquisition and data processing for a government project.
Jakarta, Indonesia
September 2017 - December 2021
Data Engineer
Responsible for developing, maintaining, monitoring, and innovating our Extract-Transfom-Load (ETL) and stream data processing. Mainly, we are working with big data platform and framework, such as HDFS, Yarn, HBase, Spark, Hive, Kafka, Presto, Cassandra, Airflow, along with Kubernetes, Docker, and many other tools. We are also using several cloud services, such as GCP Dataproc and BigQuery.
Kios Untuk Dagang Online (KUDO)
Jakarta, Indonesia
June 2016 - August 2016
Back-End API Developer Intern
Building application programming (API) interface for Kudo Field Officer Application (FO App) project. FO App is used by Kudo Field Officers to support their job, which are overseeing and supporting Kudo Agents. The API provide all data required for mobile application, web application, and content management system.
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia
January 2023 - Present
Computer Science
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia
July 2013 - July 2017
Computer Science
Kolese Kanisius Jakarta
Jakarta, Indonesia
2010 - 2013
Senior High School
Science Stream
Research Experience
Finding Questions in Medical Forum Posts Using Sequence Labeling Approach
We propose a sequence labeling method using Conditional Random Fields for question processing. This paper was presented at CICLing 2018. Link: Springer
Corpus Development for Indonesian Consumer-Health Question Answering System
We present a medical question answering corpus consists of question-answer pairs from five Indonesian medical forums. This paper was presented at ICACSIS 2017. Link: IEEE
Medical Question Text Decomposition with Sequence Labeling and Chunking Approach
In this undergraduate thesis, we propose a pipeline for decomposing informal, complex health consultation request text in medical question answering system. Link: CSUI Library
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant for Programming Foundation
September 2016 - December 2016
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia
Teaching Assistant for Declarative Programming Course
January 2016 - June 2016
Universitas Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia
Programming Language:
Python, Java, PHP, Go, Scala, Assembly, F#
Big Data Open-Source Platform:
Hadoop, YARN, HBase, Spark, Kafka, Hive, Presto, Ignite, Delta Lake
Big Data Cloud Services:
GCP Dataproc, GCS, CloudSQL, BigQuery, Azure Databricks
AI Tools:
PyTorch, Horovod, Tensorflow, Weka, NLTK, Keras
Provisioning Tools:
Ansible, Terraform
Container Orchestration Framework:
Kubernetes, Mesos, DC/OS
Cassandra, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Web Framework:
Flask, Laravel, Yii, Django
Version Control System:
Git, SVN
Airflow, Prometheus, Grafana
Side Projects
A website-based platform to facilitate freelancer and project owner / freelancer seeker. This website was implemented using PHP Laravel framework and was built for main project assignment of Software Project course at Fasilkom UI.
Wireless Camera and Video Recorder built using Raspberry Pi
Photo taking app and video recorder built with Raspberry Pi model B, a standard USB webcam, a wireless adapter, and LED. The features were implemented in Raspbian Wheezy OS. This device was built as final project assignment of System Programming course at Fasilkom UI.
2D Typing Game with Unity Engine: Typing Wizard
2D typing game for Windows PC platform. This game was built using Unity engine. This game was built as the final project assignment of Game Development course at Fasilkom UI and can be accessed at Game Jolt.
Big Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Question Answering, Machine Reading Comprehension.